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The Truth About Mia Farrow And Frank Sinatra's Marriage

As part of their divorce settlement, Frank Sinatra offered Mia Farrow roughly $800,000 as a pay-off, but Farrow declined. "I didn't accept one penny from Frank Sinatra," she said (via Express). "What I wanted was his respect and friendship." 

As it turns out, Farrow got what she wished for in the end. Darwin Porter, who wrote the biography Frank Sinatra: The Boudoir Singer, told Express that Sinatra was a "father figure" to Farrow and that he was "always attracted to her" and "she meant a lot to him." Porter continued, "She never stopped loving him. It was a love affair that continued even after their divorce and they remained close till the end. She told friends that she was still very much in love with him."

When news broke of Farrow's then-husband Woody Allen's affair with her adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn, Sinatra reportedly offered to have Allen's legs broken, or even to have him killed, according to The Daily Mail. Then, in 2013, Farrow suggested that her son, Ronan — whom Allen was presumed to have fathered — could really be Sinatra's. "We never really split up," she told Vanity Fair.

However, Sinatra died on May 14, 1998. "I loved him 'till the day he died and beyond," Farrow said of the singer in a 2017 interview with RTE Radio 1. "He was the love of my life."

